Thursday, August 15, 2013

My new part-time job...

Working on a PhD is like working a part-time job.

It is stated that you should work an estimated 15-20 hours per week on reading and writing during the course of the program. Some weeks I can do this with no problem, other weeks its hard to get it all in.

And then there's the whole scenario of asking the question: "am I doing the right work?" With hundreds of books to read and hundreds of pages to write, it is sometimes difficult to know until after you read and after you write if you have done the right reading and writing. Sometimes you need to scrap it all after a meeting with your adviser or upon the return of a not-so-great paper. But you never really scrap the work completely, because you never know if some of that reading & research might be useful later on down the line.

So today I'm hoping to read a bit more, write a bit more, and chisel away at the mountain before me. My favorite saying about this program is this...

How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time.