This journey all started about 9 years ago as I was completing my Master's degree. I enjoyed the research, writing, and gathering of data so much that I knew I could probably do more. In 2010-11, while in the US on my missionary furlough, I began searching for further study programs, realizing a few things along the way: 1) PhD programs are expensive, 2) There are many great and not so great programs out there, 3) It was important to find a program that fit me, not the other way around.
With these basic tools in mind, I did not make the search solely an academic endeavor, but both a practical and spiritual search. You see, I've been involved in mission outreaches since 1989. That's 24 years. I have given my life to the cause of Christ and know without a doubt that I am "called" to do what I am doing: make disciples. Therefore, if I go about study with just my head, my heart and soul will miss out on the process and my academic work will ultimately become soulless, lacking a practical outworking.
As for my background in missions, my work in cross-cultural settings has primarily been in hands-on engagement in missionary praxis. I don't have a missions degree (I have a BA in Bible/Youth Ministry and a MA in Christian Ministry), and although I do have many missions classes and lots of reading under my belt, my heart, hands, and mind have been focused on the practical outworking of helping bring the Good News to those who have not heard. Bottom line...I am not a theorist but a mission practitioner.
I am a missionary, not a missiologist.
However, after 13 years working at a seminary offering practical training to students preparing themselves for vocational ministry, I realized that I needed to have more than just experience. This is why I pursued my Master's degree and really thought that was the end of my personal academic journey. But there is something that happens as you engage in the world of academia. A switch is turned on to thought and turned off to just accepting what others say is true: you want to find out for yourself. Thus enters the vast world of research. The more research you do, the more you think, and the more you think, the more you research. You also begin to realize how little you actually know compared to the vast amount of knowledge available in the world. Although I can't learn it all, I knew that I was lacking in many areas and needed to practically engage my mind with the praxis of missions. I had floated along too long allowing others to dictate the theories, and it was time for me to step up to the proverbial plate, experience in hand, and attempt to engage the theoretical world through research, writing, and hopefully, a contribution to the academy, and ultimately the Kingdom of God.
And this is how I came to the conclusion: I should get a PhD!
So, here we are on my journey to becoming a research practitioner in missiology. After much prayer and research, I found just the right program for me at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. I started a PhD program in Intercultural Studies in December of 2011 and am now trudging along this 5-6 year long path. It has not been easy and requires a great deal of discipline, however, I am thankful for this opportunity.
I am actually in the library right now, and need to get back to work, but have started this blog to journal my path, form some thoughts, discuss some missiological topics, post research findings, and engage with others on the journey.
So here we go! From missionary to missiologist: come & follow Shannon's journey to a PhD.